Dear friends,
Some of you know I try to spend one on one time with each of my nephews and nieces. I have a deep longing in my heart for each of them to have their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
God gives me ideas for each child based on their age, their current spiritual development and any other needs they have to grow in this area - the most important area of all. One was doing some reading and journaling but decided she'd rather do something during the summer. Another needed the next Bible for her age and God provided one! In fact, I gave it to her today. Another child wants to go to movies and spend time with me. Another has been doing lunch with me almost every month for three years and we talk about life stuff and God stuff. It's an honor and a privilege to be chosen by God to have such an amazing influence in these little lives (11-19). There are two more I'm reaching out to.
Today was Ryan's lunch day. We had an amazing (I know I just used that word but it's true) time, opening up our Bibles as he used the first of three study guides I'd purchased from our Friends of the Library book sale last October. He asked if I knew the guy who wrote the study and I said yes. Ryan looked me right in eye as we sat across from each other at a picnic table and said, "Good because you know everything you tell me I'm going to believe as the truth and I'm trusting you." My heart stopped, we kept eye contact and my eyes began to moisten.
I tried to put on the "cool" aunt hat but when I said, "Man, I don't know what it is that's making my eyes teary," he responded by saying, "Yeah, my eyes are crying, too."
God was all over our time together. Every question Ryan had, I had a biblical response, the right response. He just picked out his new bibles about two months ago and he was doing so well being able to use the table of contents and learn what John chapter 1 meant. You see, I've had on my heart that a study bible would be great for him. I brought mine and showed him how it worked when he'd get stuck understanding what the verse(s) meant. My job was to speak when he asked me a question then show him where to find the answer or give him modern day examples from my life about what that word means.
Here's the prayer request and yes, of course, please pray for Ryan and I. I asked him if he wanted to meet more often, like every two weeks, and he was excited and said yes.
I brought my car to his house so his Dad could look at it. Turns out I need new rotors and pads. No biggie - I've been able to do that before. I've been very nervous at the sound so I was glad it wasn't the axle. However, when I put my car in reverse an awful noise came from the right rear. Bottom line is Dale told me I can't drive my car because the spring on the right rear broke and the entire strut, mount and spring need to be replaced. Difficult to do when they don't make your car anymore.
Here's the prayer request - I don't know what to do. Right now I am without a car and that's not good on so many levels. I have a couple of people who will help me and for that I am very grateful. With this news of not being able to drive my car, I called my mom. I talked and cried and listened and talked and cried and listened until I finally calmed down. It's not the car that upsets me. It's what the car represents: Independence and my ability to take care of myself whenever I need to. It's a mental illness/bipolar depression thing. I'm still not doing well on the medication so that's adding to my fear and at times like this it's difficult to stay in the moment. I know in my soul God is with me and He'll provide, just like He always has, for all my needs.
Dale is making a bunch of calls tomorrow to try and find the part. My mom said to get an estimate for everything that needs to be fixed so that I can make a decision about whether or not to fix the car. I'll do that tomorrow. My overall safety is a mixed bag of emotions meaning another strut could break at anytime just like this one did. Luckily, I was backing out of my sister's driveway and not cruising at 55 mph on the way home. One of the best things about the car is that the engine is in excellent condition.
So, there you have it. Satan is on the war path. I'm turning it over to "The God of peace (who) will soon crush Satan under (my) feet." (Romans 16:20). What a day of rejoicing that will be!
Until that day, thanks for your prayers.