In the movie Pitch Perfect, one of the characters calls herself, "Fat Amy." She does this to ward off name calling by the skinny girls. That way they know she knows they are talking about her weight behind her back. Brilliant!
My head is really messed up. I'm having insomnia again. I'm screaming in my head. I'm sure it's a contributing factor. On Thursday I'm going to start a modified weight watchers plan. I want to go to an OA meeting or at least hit my AA meeting Saturday morning.
I was looking for a comic that was truthful. Here's what I found:
I starting thinking about the word "fat." I thought of Fearing A Lot of Things. I think that's true. It feels true. Have to take a mental step back from therapy. Assessment is way to much to process, remember details from a year or more ago and relinquish talking about what's going on in the here and now. There must be a better way.
I started an online Bible study in the book of John. It has a listening option so I don't have to read it to myself. Better for my head. Bible reading plans can be found here: Bible Reading Plans
Hopefully, God will help me get some sleep.