My recovery means everything to me. God has allowed these challenges to pass through His hands. They float down to me and I have a choice. Will I persist in my well-being by making the right choice or will I shut down, preventing good change to take place?
Fortunately, I'm in a season of persistence. Actually, persistence is natural. If I shut down it's because I'm afraid of something from my past. I let it get a hold of me. It's hard to let go.
My awesome therapist, Faith Gallup, has been my sole cheerleader for the last three weeks as I begin to:
- Challenge the thoughts and reasons I keep myself over 117 pounds overweight.
- Choose to bring those to our session so that I can begin letting go of them.
- Change what and how much I am eating so that I can feel better like I really want to.
I was sitting here thinking, "This is the only time I have felt encouraged, empowered and equipped to make this drastic addiction change." I've tried to lose weight using the buddy system but I'm not the buddy type. I'm private, I like to follow a clear set rules and I like to fill in the food/mood journal Faith created.
I'm seeing the progression of making healthier food selections, gradually measuring my portions and completely eliminating junk food. It's not the way I want to recover.
I'd rather talk about the crap and not eat the crap so that I will no longer look and feel like crap.
Here's the bottom line: I'M FED UP WITH BEING FAT! So I'm doing something about it.