"How long, O Lord, will I keep shouting before I quiet down to hear Your whisper?"
- Amy Endler
Often when I'm running out of patience I zoom ahead in a fury, trying to accomplish what I think I ought to be accomplishing. I haven't planned nor prepared myself for the "what ifs." When a road block smacks right into my agenda and everything comes to a screeching halt, I'm frustrated at myself.
Then there are times when I plan and prepare so much that God has no room to make any adjustments. I think I've covered all the possibilities. Fear enters into the picture and I am paralyzed by it. My head contorts and I know what's happening. Once again I am trying to run my own life with my own agenda instead of God's.
Why is it so hard to submit my life to the God I absolutely adore and love beyond measure? I'm trying to figure that out.
I suppose it could be some deep unresolved psychological issue. Lord knows there are plenty of those lurking about. It could be some sort of sin I'm engaged in and oblivious to. It could also be a trust issue although I thought I'd already overcome that obstacle.
Listening for God takes discipline. It's a new habit, really. I've read that when establishing a new habit (good or bad) it takes 21 consecutive days. So what kind of habit would lead to listening for God?
For me, it's the practice of solitude, silence and sincerity.
Solitude is being by myself, uninterrupted, for a specific amount of time each day. Reading my bible, having a quiet time or doing something that slows down my rpm's.
Silence is turning off what's playing in my head and listening to the sounds around me. The whirring of the refrigerator, the traffic driving by, a cat using the cat box.
Sincerity is talking to God and letting Him know I am here if He wants to tell me something. Sometimes He speaks through my senses, sometimes through my blog.
My desire is to create an environment He'll want to meet me in and an environment I feel safe meeting Him in. Our relationship is a two way street.
He always wants to talk with me but He'll never barge in on me. That's not His style. He waits for the invitation.
I think that's pretty cool.
"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith, of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire, may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." (1 Pet 1:6-7 NIV)
About This Blog
My blog shares my recovery journey from childhood abuse to living with mental illness. I've been involved in twelve step groups and therapy since 1982. I accepted Jesus as my Savior in 1988. To the best of my ability, I have followed where He wants me to go and what He wants me to do. Maybe you'll find the hope and strength you need through what I write. Maybe you want to stop hurting yourself. Maybe you have a friend who needs help and can benefit from my story. I was newly disabled when I asked God this question: "What do you want me to do with my life?" I closed my eyes and paused for a few moments to still my mind. This is what I sensed from Him: "Amy, I want you to write your story to bring hope and healing to those who are still suffering." And that's exactly what I am doing!