I don't understand why people like me are given medications with side effects of suicidal ideations or tendencies. It doesn't make sense. How can the benefits of the medications outweigh the risks if the risks include taking your own life?
It's hard enough having Major Depressive Disorder, PTSD and other diagnosis' that require medication intervention without having to be on guard for their side effects. In other words, how am I supposed to tell the difference between an irrational thought created by negative thoughts or caused by a medicine imbalance? It's tricky, that's for sure.
Those are the times I rely on my therapist. I talk to Faith about what's going on in my head. I depend on her training, experience, wisdom and walk with the Lord to be able to sort through my messy mind. I've witnessed her pull it apart, write down the pieces then sort them into sections that make sense.
She keeps working with me until all those fragments become pieces of a puzzle I understand. She then helps me put those pieces into little piles that relate to one another. When they are ready and after she has explained them to me, she tells me how positive all those pieces are to my self-care. It's like she's proud of me for being able to work through the difficulty of putting my brain back together.
Once the pieces are ready, Faith helps by using a piece of paper and a pen to draw out a diagram. It can be a diagram of just about anything but to me, it puts my brain back together and gives me something new to focus on. It's like my old brain was dumped out onto her desk, she gently and purposely reorganized the chaos that was in my head then organized them into the kind of order that I could use and take home with me.
I pray all of you have a therapist like Faith Gallup. I love her as my sister in Christ, I trust her with my inner most dark places, when I feel sad I'm comfortable crying in front of her and if I have a conflict with her, she is incredibly humble and sincere if she needs to apologize.
It's both a pleasure and painful for my recovery to be in therapy with her. Truth be told, God knew exactly who I needed at this stage of my recovery. I love Him even more for choosing her and for her allowing me to be one of her clients.
If you live near Libertyville, IL or Gurnee, IL Click Here for Faith Gallup, MSW, LCSW
"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith, of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire, may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." (1 Pet 1:6-7 NIV)
About This Blog
My blog shares my recovery journey from childhood abuse to living with mental illness. I've been involved in twelve step groups and therapy since 1982. I accepted Jesus as my Savior in 1988. To the best of my ability, I have followed where He wants me to go and what He wants me to do. Maybe you'll find the hope and strength you need through what I write. Maybe you want to stop hurting yourself. Maybe you have a friend who needs help and can benefit from my story. I was newly disabled when I asked God this question: "What do you want me to do with my life?" I closed my eyes and paused for a few moments to still my mind. This is what I sensed from Him: "Amy, I want you to write your story to bring hope and healing to those who are still suffering." And that's exactly what I am doing!