What is a troubled mind? See if this sounds familiar.
- Racing thoughts
- Difficulty concentrating
- Inability to form sentences
- No thoughts
- Staring at an object for a long time
- Unable to solve easy problems
- Get upset easily because mind can't keep anything straight.
What is a hurting soul? This one's a little harder.
- My soul is tied directly to God so how can it hurt?
- Some days I feel disconnected from God.
- When I feel disconnected from God I'm usually in emotional pain.
- The emotional pain can be surface or deep - it doesn't matter.
- If the pain is surface, I deal with it by stuffing it.
- When it surfaces, my soul hurts but not so much.
- If the pain is deep, I ignore it by telling myself I've had this long enough.
- When it surfaces, my soul is in agony. That's when I want to self-harm.
If I had a choice between troubled minds or hurting souls I would choose a troubled mind. Even though my mind causes great distress, I would rather deal with it than with something that has feelings.
Feelings always rip me apart inside. I've never liked them, never understood their purpose and never liked learning about them. Some people are all about feelings. No me.
Not ever.