The Women of Faith tweet asked us to answer that question.
Here's my response:
I know I need a revival when…the number of quiet times in the bathroom multiplies and while I’m in there the number of minutes I spend deep in thought increases without being aware of time passing.
I’m on disability for mental illness and physical limitations. I live alone. I depend on God and others to help me out. A revival gives me the spiritual shock, much like the electric paddles do to the heart. The spiritual shock does not bring me back from the dead nor does it return me to my old self.
A spiritual shock revives the life God wants me to live. It clears out the wreckage that needs to be removed, to make space for what God has purposed for my life. God has asked me to let go of the old, let go of what’s not working, to trust His plan and move forward in faith.
Revival – Newness.
The reality of how I live has been forefront in my mind. The choices I make, some of them having consequences and some having benefits, are being looked at more closely. That's because I'm in the stage of taking a moral inventory of myself.
Twelve step groups call it a fourth step. Since I'm not actively attending 12 step groups, I'm calling it an inventory of self. I'm looking at similar topics, mixing it up with scripture, remembering my 12 step applications and inviting my Abba Father into the process.
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, experiencing a revival of self is a lot like taking out the trash. The trash bag is in a container. The bag gets filled with stuff we used and liked, didn't use, didn't like or used and didn't like. When the bag is full we securely close it and lift it out.
Then one of two thing happen, right? Either the bag leaks or it doesn't leak. Either the bag breaks or it doesn't break. Either you stay in a good mood or you're cursing at the bag. Your true self has just been exposed for all to see.
That's what an inventory is like. It has all these pieces in cabinets, pantries and refrigerators that need to be examined. Then they get rated: Good, Okay, Toss. In the toss pile, should those be replaced by something "Good" or completely let go of? If "Okay," do you replace with something "Good?" Have your "Tossed" items hurt anyone? You get the idea.
I'm at the beginning stages. I've done so many 4th steps I never tire of them. They used to scare me because I never thought I'd have anything left at the end. Now I know what I'll have left is more good stuff than toss stuff.