Moving back in with my mom after living my Dad was a little hard. That's when I began acting out. I was angry, I lost my identity in the family and I didn't know who I was.
I continued attending Alateen meetings. I liked the other kids at the meeting. We shared a bond because of our abuse experiences. Some were getting hit like I was. Some were being thrown through patio doors. There was always someone who had it worse.
During this angry period I was going through, I guess I was becoming too rage filled. My mom talked to me and gave me an ultimatum. She said either I go see a counselor or I move out of the house. Being fifteen years old and having a logical mind, I knew moving out wasn't the way to go.
I ended up seeing this counselor who went to Al-Anon and was a Reverend. She didn't have much to work with because I'd show up with my long hair covering my face, leather coat, t-shirt and raggedy jeans. I never talked. She did all the talking.
Eventually I took the driver's ed class and passed. My mom shared her car with me. I found a new sense of freedom. I also found a new way to hide.
I wasn't the best at picking my mom up from work on time. I put other people before her. But then again, I didn't care.
I kept seeing this counselor until I was 20. I eventually talked to her. Unfortunately she mislabeled me. She didn't recognize sexual abuse or PTSD symptoms. I'd come into a saving relationship with Jesus. I decided to leave because some of what she said contradicted what the bible taught. When I asked her about it she said the bible was written a long time ago and basically the things in the old testament were no longer applicable. That made sense at first until God convicted the truth in me.
The journey of therapy groups and therapists went on for the next 30 years.
Alcoholism, abuse, divorce and other stuff took time to surface and work through. It's not an easy road. It's a road that was created by others that only God and I can heal.
And some's a long long journey.
"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith, of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire, may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." (1 Pet 1:6-7 NIV)
About This Blog
My blog shares my recovery journey from childhood abuse to living with mental illness. I've been involved in twelve step groups and therapy since 1982. I accepted Jesus as my Savior in 1988. To the best of my ability, I have followed where He wants me to go and what He wants me to do. Maybe you'll find the hope and strength you need through what I write. Maybe you want to stop hurting yourself. Maybe you have a friend who needs help and can benefit from my story. I was newly disabled when I asked God this question: "What do you want me to do with my life?" I closed my eyes and paused for a few moments to still my mind. This is what I sensed from Him: "Amy, I want you to write your story to bring hope and healing to those who are still suffering." And that's exactly what I am doing!