It's a good way to get back to the basics.
Today's list is focusing on the things of nature and using my first and middles names.
Here we go:
A - acorns that fall from trees and crunch under my feet.
M - many types of tall grasses that grow in the prairies.
Y - yellow flowers from dandelions to daffodils.
K - kayaks and their passengers paddling their way on lazy rivers.
A - a black bear that casually walks in front of my mom's house.
T - tall trees with bending branches that stretch up toward heaven.
H - hills for deer that are eating the grass in the dusk of the day.
L - lily pads where their flowers bloom and cover areas of small ponds.
E - education centers about nature
E - elephant: Which animal is always ready to travel? Elephant - always has his trunk!!
N - nature's creator, God. He made all of it, created the delicate balance of it and entrusted the care of it to us.