Gen. Stonewall Jackson praying before battle.

These movies are in my collection because of the story that is told. Just like, "Glory," "Pearl Harbor," "Patriot," and several other war movies. Right now I feel as if I'm fighting a battle of my own. The only difference is that I don't have troops to rally, rations to portion, tents to hand out when I don't have enough and horses that fall over dead from too much riding.
I feel very down today. In the trenches I suppose. Tattered shoes sloshing in the water but walking in formation just the same. Drenched from the rain that never seems to let up. Toting my rifle over my shoulder with only a handful of round bullets in my pouch. Praying to God that I survive the war with all of my limbs or die quickly so I feel no pain.
Thinking of my family.
Thinking of friends.
Wondering what God has in store for me today.
I'm so weary from this journey.
Maybe there will be a truce and I can go home.
Go home to a warm bed, warm clothes and warm relationships.
A fulfilling dream that can come true for all of us.
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
If I should pass before I wake,
Keep my kin folk nice and safe.