My first hospitalization was in an outpatient hospital. Spectacular program that helped people like me cope with the issues that were causing temporary chaos in our lives. Those issues ranged from depression to abuse to obsessive disorders to bipolar mania.
They served up a large menu of coping tools like grounding yourself. That's where you have both feet planted on the floor and you are consciously aware of your surroundings. You are making eye contact with the other person, you are doing a task that requires your thoughts or if you are having a hard time sitting still, you use your 5 senses to keep you grounded.
By the time I was going down this track my psychiatrist at that time talked to me about going on Social Security Disability. I was mentally and emotionally exhausted. I knew it could take up to 6 months before I received my first check but I had to do it. I was the only one who really knew what was going on inside my head and what was going on needed serious help.
Thank God that He sent friends and my church to help financially until that first check arrived.
And thank God that I don't have to worry about working especially when I'm doing a medicine adjustment.
Praise be to God because His provisions are always perfect!