You keep track of how often this is happening. Three to four times a day. It scares you because you've heard this kind of thing before in your own life and it's happening with schizophrenics. But you're 46 years old. Way beyond the age limit for that disease. Yet, it worries you. You're afraid of what your friends might think. Afraid of what your psychiatrist might say. Afraid of what your therapist will say. But you have to do something.
This is not imaginary. This is not made up. It unnerves me every time it returns.
Like a lot of people with Borderline Personality Disorder, the medications I'm prescribed fall into specific categories. Without naming the actual drugs, my prescriptions fall into the following categories:
- Atypical Anti Psychotics - Used in the treatment of schizophrenia and mania
- Mood Stabilizers - Used in the treatment of bipolar disorder
- Anti Panic Agents
- Other Anti Depressant
I talked to my therapist about it and I talked to my psychiatrist. He increased the Atypical anti psychotic. It's been 10 days since the increase. I'm still pretty tired during the day. I doze off and on. So far the chatter has stopped.
I tell you what - As long as the chatter doesn't come back, I'll take being sleepy anytime!
If you have questions about your medication, feel like it's not helping or it stopped helping, please call your psychiatrist's office. They can't help you if you don't show them your white flag of surrender.