I know many people, myself included, who have earnestly prayed that prayer. With intense emotion and a little bit of fear, those words have been uttered with the hope that it won't cost too much. Too much money, too much commitment or too much change.
Why pray that prayer at all if the intent is to side step it? Because my heart longs to believe that someday I'll do it. Without doubt, without fear of failure, without fear of what others will think of me.
All my life I've known God wants to do something with my life. I've started and stopped many opportunities that presented themselves over the years. None of them lasted. At least, none of them that came with a regular salary.
It takes courage to ask God, "Where do You want me?" Asking a question often means listening for a response. Listening for a response means you might like it - or you might not.
Here's something I've been thinking about. You know the saying, "If God closes the door, He'll open a window?"
What if He never wanted you to go into that house in the first place and we took matters into our own hands?
Did we pick the lock or shoot off the door knob or ram the door with a tree trunk? I mean, how much of our self will is really running the show?
I'm just saying, maybe we should ask God if we're at the right house before we begin to think we know what He's doing in our lives.
Here's an example:
You think God wants you to be "here" because you see yourself as always being sick no matter where you go and no matter how much time passes:
But God really wants you to be here because He sees you working hard and getting better over the long haul. It doesn't matter how long it takes:
God knows it's hard. He knows your dreams. He knows exactly what you need to get over your hang-ups. Don't you think He loves you enough to send you to the right house?
A house where you don't have to wonder, "Is it this door or that door? A window or a patio door?" God doesn't do question marks when building us up.
God is a God of reconstruction. So put on your tool belt, put on your hard hat and meet with your construction team. It's time to get rebuilding.