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Aaron with his girlfriend, Alex |
His dad and my sister were married in 2001. When everybody was together, there were four boys, three girls and one set of parents.
"We're a family of nine," the kids would say with great pride.
It was Monday, April 12, 2010. I had been on disability for almost two years. I was still having seizures, seeing a new therapist and trying to help my psychiatrist with my meds. It was a bit of an emotional time, too, because I was newly sober but still cutting.
I was at home when the phone rang. One of my sisters said Aaron was in the emergency room and they weren't sure if he was going to make it. What happened? Two friends picked him up to go to their Alateen meeting. Aaron was in the backseat huffing propane. All of a sudden he went into a convulsive seizure. The friend dialed 911, pulled the car over to the side of the road, pulled Aaron out of the car onto the side of the road and administered CPR. Aaron did not regain consciousness. Aaron was without oxygen for 10 minutes by the time the paramedics arrived. His heart had stopped beating but they were able to get it restarted. In essence, Aaron died then he was made alive with only a beating heart. I needed to get there right away.
By the time I arrived, a lot of our family members and Aaron's friends arrived. That's one good thing about family. Throughout our recovery, we have had a ton of healing. With the help of God and our Savior, Jesus Christ, we were able to support each other pretty well.
I spent some time with my sister's family, her husband (Aaron's Dad) and especially my young nieces. It was hard to watch my nieces because they'd already lost Cathy and Maryla. It's even more difficult trying to explain the machines Aaron was hooked up to and why.
During that entire week most of our lives were living at the hospital.
We were hoping there would be a test that showed promise of recovery for Aaron.
We were hoping he'd open his eyes and start laughing then say, "Ha! Jokes on you!"
What were we really hoping for?
What is it that we really wanted?
We wanted Aaron returned to us unharmed. We wanted a miracle.
We wanted a son, a brother, a grandson, a nephew, a cousin, a friend, a boyfriend - we wanted the complete package that made up my nephew, Aaron
Was that too much to ask? Of course not.
The miracle WE wanted, never came to pass. But guess what? God had another plan.
Aaron's tube was removed on this date, April 16, 2010. He was going to be an organ donor. This was somewhere between 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. All that had to happen is for Aaron's heart to stop beating. Well it didn't stop like it was supposed to. He had the energizer bunny battery of hearts. This kid took almost 10 hours to get to Heaven and I think I know why.
Aaron's mom asked me stay with him a lot that final day so we were able to bond a little bit more. Later that evening when she was taking a break, she asked me stay and come get her if it starts happening. I'm sitting there with Aaron, looking him and I said to myself, "This kid is sweating." Aaron is a shower nut. I asked one of the nurses if they could give him a little bath. She did and would you believe within a few minutes he started his journey? I went and got everyone. When his mom announced "only family" I respected her and stayed behind. She said, "I want you in there with me." I felt honored and sad at the same time.
It was very quick. After he passed and everyone was getting ready to leave, someone asked me what happened to make him die? In other words, did he make a sound, etc.?
"It's simple," I replied. "Aaron wanted a bath."
It's helps me remember that he's in Heaven with God and all the angels.
Aaron wasn't perfect. He made mistakes just like the rest of us.
He didn't plan on dying.
Huffing never tells the abuser, "Hey! You're getting to far gone for your heart and your lungs to recover so you better back down." It's an addiction that says, "C'mon. Those people don't know what they're talking about. They've never done it so who are they to say anything?
Just a little bit more...
Just a little bit more...
Just a little bit more...
Just a little bit more...
Just a little bit more...
Just a little bit more....and you're dead.
You didn't plan it and look what happened.
Good night.