God is bigger and more powerful than any of our circumstances, no matter how impossible they might seem. John 16: 33 says “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Whether we grow from difficult relationships and situations depends upon our choices as to how we think about and respond to these. Thus, pray for understanding, for guidance, and to be responsive to God.
In other words, if it is happening, then there is a reason. It's either happening because it falls into God's perfect will or permissive will, but none-the-less, God is very aware of what is going on and has allowed it for some reason. There are no accidents or coincidences. God has it under control without being controlling because that is just how awesome He is.
So the next time you question something, remember the obvious:
- You are here because you are supposed to be
- You have value and worth because God chose to breathe and speak you into existence
- You have many purposes
- You have something to offer difficult people and situations
- You have something to learn from difficult people and situations
- You can grow from difficult relationships and situations, especially spiritually
- God is bigger than your circumstances.
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