Being an introvert (someone who's energy get refilled by being alone) and highly intellectual, I am one of those people who process almost everything inside my head. Problem solving, feelings, creativity and dissecting technical data. My brain is my primary source of self worth.
When I transitioned from Alateen (age 14) into Al-Anon (age 17), I kept hearing this phrase: Paralysis of Analysis. I understood what each word meant so I thought the phrase meant, "Stop thinking," but I later learned it was taken to the extreme.
Paralysis of analysis is used to describe those of us who tend to go overboard when resolving our issues or defects of character. It means getting so tied up in the "resolving" of problems that you actually end up "preventing" yourself from moving on AND creating more work than is actually necessary.
Over-thinking them can cause too much stress. It can literally stop you from finishing the process of thinking the problem through, from beginning to end, by leaving you stuck somewhere in between. I am one of many, when confronted with my shortcomings, who gets stuck.
I'm one of those people who have above average intentions of wanting to erase my defects of character or issue residue but I get overly analytical and then I get stuck. I have to back up to the previous steps and start again.
My goal in life has changed. It used to be to achieve perfection so that I would no longer get hurt or be hurt or hurt others. It used to be to exist to please others so they would like me and not get mad at me. It used to be to do for others so they would see how nice of a person I am and be my friend.
I have a new focus and it's not a goal.
I have a life plan. "To write my story to bring hope and healing to those who are still suffering."
It's based on God's plan. I don't need any one's approval. I'm not obsessing about it. I have some concerns but I have women I trust that I can turn to.
I'm not alone.
There's no need to be stopped in analyzing anything anymore. Nothing is that important. When I slow down and let God guide the process, everything works out so much better.
And who better than God to be my guide?