Have you ever had one of those days when God is constantly reminding you about his care and his love for you? Today is one of those days. Let me begin.
A week ago tomorrow I started my car and immediately noticed it was not running right. I called my mechanic, explained what was going on and we agreed I should bring my car in this past Monday. As many of you know bringing your car into a mechanic can be scary. Not knowing what was wrong or how much it was gonna cost to fix I obediently dropped off my car and slid my keys into the slot.
I was told that the repair was going to cost $720. Added to what already need to be repaired was around another $2000 which I did not have. You see I'd already gotten those other repairs fixed and put away $500 for future repairs. I was beginning to panic. I lost sight of what God could do and yet I knew that he would take care of me no matter what that looked like. I picked up my car and I brought it home.
I began to explore my options. The main one being taking $200 out of my disability check for January and getting the car fixed that way. The second one was having one of my sisters get her extra car that she had repaired however that car leaked oil and mine does not. There was also discussion about whether or not I should look into getting another used car but when I thought about it the repairs that are being made to my car are ones that will not have to be fixed probably again for the life of the car. I was back to January trying to figure out how to shave $200 out of my income. But then something happened. I had a conversation with my brother-in-law who has done much work on my car. He asked specific questions then told me he would get information and see if he could do it himself.
He called me later to say that yes he could fix it. I went over there today. He fixed it starting with the basics up to the major part. What would've cost $720 only cost $150. My car now runs like it's brand-new and if I'm not careful I'm going to start racing people at stoplights. But the story doesn't end there.
I've been struggling to make good decisions about Christmas gifts and I've done a very good job. It was already in my budget before any car repairs were needed so I knew I could count on that money to bring joy to my family. I know that joy does not come from a gift but rather from the giver. In any case giving to my family is the one thing that I enjoy doing the most.
On the way through town in my new race car, I stopped at a local grocery store just to pick up a few things to eat until I get paid. The food itself does not necessarily promote health but it does promote fullness and that's what's important right now. I think I had the squeakiest cart in the store. People knew where I was and I wanted to be somewhere else. The carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand is still repairing itself so that area is very tender. That's the area you use to push a cart. I found this out the hard way. I had to push my cart with my left hand and then lift my right elbow onto the right side of the cart and push it and squeak. Nobody probably noticed but I felt like I was on some sort of video monitor where everybody could see and hear me.
I'm cognizant of how much money I spend so I'm choosing very carefully. I try very hard to stay within my budget no matter what I need to sacrifice. No sweet treats today, no ice cream and nothing bakery related. I walk up to the belt where you take out your own groceries. I laid everything out and put down a divider between myself and the lady behind me. She said thank you and I smiled and said no problem. The cashier rang up my items told me the total and then that same lady said to the cashier, "Here, I've got it." I looked at her a little stunned and I said, "You don't have to do that!" And she said, "Yes, I do.
After she paid for it I turn back to her and asked, "Do you know the same guy I do?" She said, "Yes, I do. " As I walked away I heard the cashier ask her if he missed something in that conversation. I prayed for her and how to answer that question and maybe one more skeptic will be in a relationship with Jesus and in heaven one day. I thanked her again and I said something about how you have no idea how much you have blessed me. She simply said that she was being obedient to what she was asked to do. I smiled, nodded and walked away.
Sometimes I feel guilty because of all the help that I received from other Christians. I think about the poor and those who are in more dire need than I am, people and children who don't have a place to call home. Then there are times when I feel judged by Christians who have absolutely no clue what it's like to be in my shoes. Those are the people that I feel sickest toward for they have no compassion even on their sister in Christ. But none of that really matters because all of us on this planet have access to the Creator – the one and only creator of the entire universe. And how wonderful it is that he wants to be in a relationship with us? Personal and being forgiving and just all of that is wrapped up into One. I find that utterly amazing.
So who are you helping this Christmas? Have you already done something meaningful? Something that will impact somebody else's life for the good? I'm not talking about games or stuff or things that will one day be thrown in the garbage. I'm talking about enriching somebody's life who is lonely or in despair or bound to their house or is losing their memory and has no recollection of family or friends or someone who's in the hospital bed laying there feeling so alone or someone grieving the death of a loved one?
You matter to God. People that you don't like or care for they matter to God. People you've never met who are strangers to you matter to God. Even the person who took your parking space or was driving too slow or almost by God's grace did not kill anyone when they were drunk. They matter to God.
My prayer for you is really simple because it applies to me as well. My prayer is that you will touch one persons life who is not related to you in the next couple of days. Because sometimes all we need is for someone to show they care and you can't put a price tag on that !
My family and I making/decorating Christmas goodies. |