Feeling very down, suicidal ideation again, looked into purchasing a gun, wanted to engage in promiscuous behavior but all of that ceases because I know too much about God.
I don't want to be hospitalized again.
I'm tired of my meds changing every 5-6 months.
I'm not isolating.
I go to church each week, engage with friends, ask for prayer, attend Bible study, get out of my house when I want or need to and yet I still feel like crap.
So, Doc, what's the solution? Do I accept that this is how my life will always be because it's been this way most of my life? Do I use some new fangled technique that will turn the blues into sunshine? Do I waste my thoughts on things that are not pure? What do I do?
Please tell me because I'll do it.
I'll see you tomorrow.
(Note to readers: Please don't dial 911 on anything I've said. Remember, I use this as an outlet for how I'm feeling, not what I'm acting on)
God let me, out of His grace and love for me, find this: