In rhythm and rhyme
I knew this process will continue
The only question is how much time?
Please don't doubt my love for God
Or His gift I received for eternity up above.
It's just that these memories are now in full swing
And they must run their course just like everything.
It's not as easy as, "Don't let them control your mind,"
Or, "Give them to God to heal and to bind."
If you've never been multiply abused
And abandoned by your parents,
You cannot know how I feel.
You are limited in your comments.
People like me find survival techniques to help us get through.
Sometimes it includes others, it might even include you.
But be it as it may, there's one part that's true:
My life will be upside down, not ended, just blue.
Abuse serves no purpose for the one being abused.
That's why people go to jail when they hurt a child and bruise.
Sexual abuse is "worse" for the abuser at least they get on a list.
These people can abuse again for no needle goes through their chest.
I had six sexual abusers and I don't say that with pride.
That's why I get messed up, that's why I crawl inside.
My feelings about the abuse have been neatly tucked away.
I have to turn them off because a lot of them are strays.
I love God with all my heart yet my feeble eyes only see,
The abuse he allowed to have happen to my family and me.
I was the protector, I picked fights to protect my siblings,
I guess that's why I am the hero, although I feel like nothing.