I called Faith and told her I would not be at group today. I cannot handle the stress of the energy and dynamics of the group. Not today. Depression? Yes. Just want to be by myself. Don't want to sit and listen to other people sharing and commenting on each others comments. Especially mine. Don't want to bond with anyone. Don't want to help anyone. Don't want to receive help from anyone. Just want to "be."
There was a day when I would go just to please everyone but myself. That's an unhealthy way of living. That causes more stress than it's worth. I'm worth more - I'm worth saying "no" to others.
I'll probably go to the library. Probably empty out my car. Probably put the air conditioners in the windows. Probably get some duck tape.
I'll probably be okay.
Yes, I'll be okay. Because taking care of myself is the one thing I can do that no one else can do for me. Doing this more often will strengthen the love I lack for myself.