About This Blog

My blog shares my recovery journey from childhood abuse to living with mental illness. I've been involved in twelve step groups and therapy since 1982. I accepted Jesus as my Savior in 1988. To the best of my ability, I have followed where He wants me to go and what He wants me to do. Maybe you'll find the hope and strength you need through what I write. Maybe you want to stop hurting yourself. Maybe you have a friend who needs help and can benefit from my story. I was newly disabled when I asked God this question: "What do you want me to do with my life?" I closed my eyes and paused for a few moments to still my mind. This is what I sensed from Him: "Amy, I want you to write your story to bring hope and healing to those who are still suffering." And that's exactly what I am doing!

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Then There Was Richard

Red Eared Slider Turtle
Dear God,

You did it again!  Let me share it with my readers so they know what I'm talking about.

I was at the local Petco looking at all the animals.  Ferrets, hamsters, guinea pigs, mice and rats.  I especially enjoy watching the dogs getting groomed.  Often times I'll walk in there and the dogs who are already finished will come up to me for some lovin' and petting.  They look so happy!

About this time, I noticed a gentleman (about my age) bring his dog in to get groomed.  I could tell he was a very gentle guy who cared deeply about his dog.  I didn't think about him much because I was in one of my favorite environments.

The next stop is the cat room which is a rescue for older cats.  I always go to the cat room.  If there's a volunteer the cats are out of their houses roaming around or sitting on their favorite cat perch, pillow or tree.  On this day no one was there so I visited them in their little houses.  I always talk to them very softly and sweetly to let them know they are loved.  Then I pray for you (God) to find them a safe forever home.

As I walked out of there I headed to the cat toys.  I enjoy seeing what's new even if I can't afford to buy anything.  Dreaming about what I can give my cats is probably similar to what parents dream they can give their children.  I found some more soft furry mats that I can get them for winter for only $4.99.  I was glad to see they still have them.  I have one and it's completely machine washable friendly.

I decided to go to the reptile exhibit on the other side of the store.  I'd been there before and I was not disappointed.  The guy who was having his dog groomed was there.  I was uncomfortable because of my fear of men but he didn't frighten me.  I went ahead with my exploration.  They had some turtles, lizard geckos, black and green spotted frogs and some kind of a snake.  At the end of the isle I had to say, "Excuse me." to the man.  He moved and then I saw it!

It was an aquarium with six turtles in it!  I was with a friend and I exclaimed, "Look at this!  They're swimming!"  She came over to look and we laughed.  Then the guy came over!  And so began another conversation designed to bring one more lost person closer to Jesus.

He said he heard us laughing and wanted to know what was so funny.  Then he saw the turtles swimming.  It brought back memories of his childhood when his mom said turtles carry salmonella so he couldn't keep it.  He's still not sure that's true but doubts it since they're in a pet store.  The turtles we were looking at were called the Red Eared Slider.  We laughed at that, too, because all of us had White Castle jokes.

The man and I talked about local forest preserves we both go to.  We had a lot in common in what interested us.  Same places, same paths, same sounds.  His gentle nature was that of a child filled with wonder.  When we talked about McHenry Dam, we said at the same time, "The baby turtles that jump off the logs into the water!"

He asked if I was a photographer.  I said not at this point, I don't have a camera.  He was wondering why I go to all these nature places.  I told him it brings me closer to God.  He looked at me with a question mark.  I told him I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and one of the ways I feel close to him is through creation.  He stood there looking at me and nodded.  Then he said, "Will you tell God I said hi?"  "Of course I will.  What's your name?"  "Richard."  "Richard, my name is Amy."  "Thanks.  I better get going or my wife is going to wonder where we are."  "Okay."

I reached out and tapped his forearm two times.
He seemed comforted.
Then he was gone.

Of course I've been praying for Richard.  That You would continue putting Christians in his path so that he can find Jesus and live a life devoted to You.

And yet I wonder, God.

Was I supposed to be that person?

Your devoted daughter,